From July 18 to July 23 in Zhukovsky there has taken place the International aerospace air show (MAKS Air show).
AirTaxi-Service has presented several interiors of helicopters. The new interior of the convertible Mi-8AMT helicopter with a possibility of converting in 3 options has been shown: passenger, transport, with the medical module and corporate. Within the air show re-equipment of inside of the helicopter in real time has been shown and also technical aspects were discussed. Depending on the customer’s wishes, the helicopter can be used as transport and cargo or passenger and also as VIP-salon on 13 passengers accompanied by the steward.
The chief designer of MVZ im. M. L. Milya Yablonsky Alexander Dmitrievich has made an opening speech at a conference on the convertible helicopter.
The chief designer of “AirTaxi-Service” Savenkov Mikhail Viktorovich presented the report on a subject of convertible salon for Mi-8 helicopters, having presented to professionals of the aviation industry (leading designers of russian design bureax, representatives of serial manufacturers and operators) indisputable advantages of such interior “Three in one.
The latest design the VIP of an interior of the Mi-8AMT helicopter providing the increased convenience and comfort to VIP-passengers thanks to existence of individual chairs and comfortable sofas, folding tables, a modern communication system and multimedia and galley, buffet and the toilet room has been also presented at the exhibition.
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